Just Another Christmas Wishlist

As a frugalist, there are many things that I want –not need– but too cheap to pay for myself. So, since it’s that time of the year when you can hope for many things, I’ve decided to throw in my wishlist –another one to clog the blogosphere– for this Christmas.

My wishlist is achievable. Expensive, yes. But achievable. It’s a list of things that I can’t afford but can be bought by my wealthier family members and/or friends. I didn’t wish for something immaterial. Nothing too idealistic such as world peace. Nothing too far-fetched like a trip to the moon. Nothing too expensive like a Maserati. Just things, material things that can be purchased and shipped from Amazon.com.

Anyways, the list:

E-Reader/Tablet PC – $150 to $600

Kindle, Nook, I'll take whatever.

An e-reader is definitely a “must have” for a book-reading cheapskate like me. There are three reasons as to why: a) E-books are cheaper; b) E-books don’t need bookshelves; and c) E-books don’t create paper waste. I don’t really care what brand of e-reader I get. As long as it’s an e-reader, wheter it’s Nook, iPad, Kindle or Kobo, I’m happy.

Guitar Effects – $50 to $100

I need one to be a bedroom musician again.

I’ve been wanting to get back to being a bedroom musician again, fiddle with my guitar and record some tunes. But, before I can do that, I need some serious guitar effects. Well, not really that serious. A Zoom G1XN would actually do the job. After all, I’m only playing in front of toys and pillows.

PVC Figure – $25 to $100

I want this for my desk.

One of the hobbies I gave up when I became a frugalist was toy collecting. So, I haven’t bought a toy for over a year now. But that doesn’t mean I can’t accept toys as gifts. What I’ve always wanted is a PVC figure, a female with a guitar to be specific. This figure of Yui Hirasawa (K-ON!) definitely fits the bill.

Rosetta Stone – $200 to $600

Give the gift of language.

I’ve always wanted to learn a language through Rosetta Stone. But this software costs a fortune ($200 for 1 set, $600 for a full set). So if anyone can get me this for Christmas (I like to learn Polish, Spanish or Japanese), I’ll be indebted to you for a lifetime year.

Graphics Card – $150 to $300

To sweeten the eye candy even more.

My PC can still play any games. But, by next year, I probably won’t be able to set my graphics at high settings. This will force me to get PS3 versions that are running on fixed settings. So, a graphics card for a present would be deeply appreciated, since it’ll extend the life of my PC gaming. A GeForce GTX 470 would be nice.

There. See, nothing too weird. Just an expensive list of things. Very expensive for a cheapskate like me to get. So, if you have a golden heart and wallet, you can get me one of these things and I’ll be happy (momentarily, at least).